Brief description of services offered:
Illumination:"The Illumination Process can accomplish in one session what can often take years to heal through psychotherapy." Dr Alberto Villoldo. The honored foundation of all shamanic healing is a gentle, clearing process that will leave you balanced, revitalized and happier. It helps release difficult imprints and drains toxic emotional energies. It brings deep healing at a soul level and, through our chakras, fills the body and the consciousness with pure light.
Soul Retrieval:Parts of ourselves that have been denied in other lifetimes, or have left our body following a sudden accident, a brutal separation or an unexpected trauma, leaving us handicapped. This powerful process helps bring them back so that we may enjoy our full potential once again. Through the rewriting of our soul contract, with the help of a gift and the specific qualities of a power animal, we are able to step back into our wholeness (holiness) and become once again the masters of our own destiny.
Fluid Extraction: The removal of moving energies that block the flow of our life and keep us in negative patterns. They are often at the root of addictions. In some cases, -and this may even be the cause of some physical pains that are difficult to diagnose-, an entity may have attached itself to us which needs to be released into the light. Shamans perform routinely drama-less exorcisms.
Crystallized Extraction: The removal of feelings of being "stabbed in the back", or actual objects (swords, knives etc...) that wounded or even killed us in past lives that are still stuck in our luminous body. They could also consist of "cords" or "feeding tubes" that bind us to other people who literally can suck our energy that way, preventing us to fully soar in our own life.
Underworld Extractions: This helps clear our luminous body from blocks that have remained with us lifetime after lifetime.
Death Rites: On a person still alive, this is used to clear his/her luminous field of stress experienced at work. It is also performed after the "death" of an important relationship, or the end of one major chapter of life. More generally, it is offered to a person about to cross over to enable their luminous body to detach harmoniously from their physical envelope and take flight into the higher realms, smoothly and peacefully.
Repairing the Luminous Energy Field: Surgery, traumas, major accidents, the use of drugs or alcohol, random sex with strangers... can create tears in our aura, leaving us exposed and vulnerable to potentially harmful energies. Through the reweaving of our energetic envelope, we become once again whole and strong.
Installation of Energetic Protections: Handed down from generation to generation by the Inkas, the bands of power are a very efficient protection that convert difficult external energies into a nurturing, protective field that supports our life in very wonderful ways.
Shadow work: All those negative qualities we see so clearly in others and cannot seem to recognize in ourselves causing us to judge or criticize them. Really owning everything that we are in our darkness and our light can be intense but is very rewarding work. As it is said in the Bible: "In darkness is the light, but because darkness did not recognize it, it remained dark.". Here, with the use of many techniques such as the creation of altars, we shall not only own our darkness but find its gift. Once in that place of inner clarity and transparency, we can deal with the external world without having it press our buttons.
Aya Despacho (bundle to honor our dead and our ancestors): Perfect to bring closure to a chapter of our life: after someone's physical death, a divorce or major break-up, the end of a career, an intense move....
Cutti Despacho : When someone has had a series of things go wrong one after another, this ceremony removes the blocking energies and shifts the energy significantly.
Ayni despacho: The most common offering that brings us in right relationship in our home, love relationship, finances, family, travels, career and health. A very soft and beautiful ceremony which brings us back with integrity and balance in alignment with our highest destiny.
Space clearing: For a house that doesn't rent, or in a space where there has been a lot of anger, violence, a divorce, a murder or a rape. This can also be done routinely when you move into a new home to ensure that you will experience only peace, harmony and abundance.
" I came to my appointment confused and unclear about a decision in my life, but left with confidence and clarity! Energy work and talking it through helped me feel lighter, less anxious, more connected and definitely happier! I thought I would need to be spiritual to benefit from this (which I am not) but I definitely felt the ‘magic’!"
Beaucoup de résonance avec cette session qui m'a ouvert le coeur sur la guérison à partir de l'äme.
— Robert
I had sessions. This knowledge to translate ancient indigenous and shamanic wisdom into a session makes it accessible to anyone who is looking for personal and spiritual healing.— Michael from the Mountain
Refer to each Shamanic Practitioner for their special offers and prices
These sessions are not replacing medical treatments, therapy or medications. These sessions are not constructed as practicing medicine, healing or curing conditions. They are complementary modalities that in no way substitute for appropriate medical intervention, body therapy, or psychotherapy. The work is based on a heart-centered caring relationship in which you and the practitioner come together energetically to facilitate your health and healing. The goal is to restore harmony and balance to the energy system, placing you in a position to self-heal.